Just like we said it would be.
"Perpetually fretting Democrats will not want to accept it. The campaigns themselves can't afford to believe it. Many journalists know it but can't say it. And there will certainly be some twists and turns along the way. But take it to a well capitalized bank: Bill Ayers isn't going to save John McCain. The race is over.
"John McCain's candidacy is as much a casualty of Wall Street as Lehman or Merrill. Like those once vibrant institutions, McCain's collapse was stunning and quick. One minute you are a well-respected brand. The next you are yelling at the messengers of your demise as all around you the numbers start blinking red and stop adding up."
Don't underestimate the American public's ability to fall for fear mongering and smear campaigns.
And the sick irony is those Wall Street firms have contributed 2/3 more to Obama than to McCain.
But the liberal biased mainstream media conveniently hides that fact.
Obama is in Wall Street's pocket and the corruption will only get worse under him.
Let's just hope his failed presidency leads to a massive cleanout of incumbents in 2010/2012.
Since when has NJ been a red state?
"Frank@Scottsdale-Sucks.com said...
And the sick irony is those Wall Street firms have contributed 2/3 more to Obama than to McCain."
You are a very disturbed individual who should seek the professional help you need. Why not a 72 hour observation period by competent mental health professionals? Pretend it is an expensive dinner at an exclusive place with your many wealthy friends all cheering you on...
Then maybe, your life will go a little better for you.
You're Welcome.
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