
Seriously? I want to know.
A lot of you have predicted that McCain would win. You were wrong. You were embarrassingly wrong.
So, after it's all over, what will your spin be?
1) The GOP lost on purpose knowing how bad it's gonna get
2) You hated McCain anyway
3) The MSM fixed the election
4) Obama ran a dishonest race
5) Palin lost you the election
6) ????
Have at it. Let us know how you'll justify your lack of political insight.
the MSM fixed the election. Just look at how lopsided their coverage is.
The get down on Palin for negotiated with only ONE foreign country (canada), trying to make it seem like she needs to have done more negotiations with foreign countries to qualify to be VP.
How many countries has obama negotiated with? Anyone?
I am not voting for either obama or mccain, just pointing out that the coverage is not even close to being equal.
mccain gets testy with a journalist who keeps asking the same question over and over, the media goes nuts.
Obama gets testy and they cast it as "obama gets fired up" or some nonsense.
Either obama or mccain as president is a sad joke.
The only canard there is that Obama ran a dishonest race; he ran the cleanest race in memory.
He didn't want to get stuck with the "uppity nigger" label.
But McCain was a terrible candidate that didn't speak to America's values; he was a nasty mean jerk.
We wuz robbed.
It doesn't matter anymore Keith. After they hit the iceberg, did passengers care who was captain on the Titanic?
well, at least europe will like us! that has always mattered so much to me.
HA HA HA ROTFL, you fuckin' sad anon weasel, the MSM fixed the election!!! That is hilarious!!!
If you put on a plaid shirt and a trucker cap and said that on tape, I would pay money to have it and listen to over and over.
How anybody could POSSIBLY think Palin is any more qualified than my pet gerbil to be the VP of anything bigger than a boy scout troop is one of the most sad and hilarious moments in US history. If this isn't textbook empire collapse, I don't know what is.
Here come the Visigoths folks, Rome is gonna burn...
"Batman Said...
How anybody could POSSIBLY think Palin is any more qualified than my pet gerbil to be the VP of anything bigger than a boy scout troop is one of the most sad and hilarious moments in US history. If this isn't textbook empire collapse, I don't know what is."
Oh yeah? Has your Gerbil defended the USA from the invading hordes or commie pinko ruskies who would be streaming into this country by way of alaska (after a 2237 mile detour through canada on the alcan highway) if Gov. "Blood and Guts" Palin was not up there commanding and chiefing the alaska national guard.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Yes, Obama will win. And yes, it will be a blowout.
However: FYI Your chart is not accurate. It was based on a slightly converted Bush v Kerry electoral map.
For example, it shows Arizona as a toss-up state, which we know it isn't.
I'd trust this map more...
All the Democrats have to do is pass the bailout bill with a majority of the Republicans voting against it and you might be very surprised by the outcome of this election.
Of course, McCain/Palin are the worst 2 candidates the Republicans could have possibly picked. They're simply an embarassement. On the other side it looks Obama/Biden are owned by Wall Street, damn whores....not that McCain is any better in that category.
We need more choices, either will be a disaster for America.
I am voting McCain/Palin simply because they're more entertaining in a sick kind of way.
We haven't even had the October Surprise yet, Keith. Who knows what the GOP scum have in store.
Obama rulz ... or is he .. ?
I thought McCain would win because I had COMPLETE FAITH in millions americans being complete FOOLS willing to vote exactly AGAINST there own personal interests, all in the name of "morality" that isn't even in evidence in their party.
Complete faith in the RACISTS and pussies who think middle names are scary.
Complete faith in the tendency of DUMB people to vote for the DUMB guy over the smart guy EVERY TIME, just because "he towks lahk me!"
Complete faith in women to get confused and vote directly AGAINST their gender while thinking they are voting FOR their gender.
But a few funny things are happening on the way to the outhouse I MEAN voting booth:
Palin-fever is wearing off fast.
Obama's much better voter registration efforts are paying off, especially among younger voters who looked up from their Wii's and realized they don't like having their futures stolen for profit.
And, when the economy gets bad enough, apparently even the biggest fairy-tale-thumpin good-ol'-boy morons will get confused and actually accidentallly vote FOR their own interests, in an effort to vote AGAINST the "four more tears, four more fears, four more wars, four more lies" that they eagerly SUPPORTED the last time around.
What makes me laugh is the people who still insiste McSame has this in the bad.
How anybody could POSSIBLY think Palin is any more qualified than my pet gerbil to be the VP of anything bigger than a boy scout troop is one of the most sad and hilarious moments in US history. If this isn't textbook empire collapse, I don't know what is.
Yep, typical drooling left response. what a bunch of sheeple you are. ignore the real point of my post, which is the lopsided MSM coverage.
and the only thing sadder is that people some how think obama is qualified to be president after giving a speech and writing a book or two.
BTW, how many countries has obama had any sort of negotiations with? And no, negotiating with germany as to where he could hold is rally doesn't count.
both candidates suck.
The Bradley Effect.
They'll rely on their old favorite:
Today's republicans are, simply put, idiots. Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court decision she disagrees with, nor a newspaper she reads frequently (despite having a degree in Journalism). She believes in overturning Roe v. Wade on federalist principles, yet strongly endorses the 14th Amendment that the decision was based on. Stoopid much?
Sarah Palin is no more qualified to be Vice President than, at best, 15% of all Americans. And, yet, there are *still* people trying to say she's more experienced than Obama.
I can't decide which is worse, the moronic party base believing such garbage, or watching House republicans cower in the face of a little old grandmother from San Francisco giving a boo-hoo speech on Monday while all hell broke lose in New York.
But, don't worry morons, Obama, 60 Senate seats and 60+ House-seat majority will be your punishment for the next eight years while you wise up and figure out how stoopid and fundamentally bankrupt your party is.
Unlike the Titanic, the people in first class will survive and the people in steerage exact their revenge. We'll either beat the holy shit out of them or make sure the first class passengers give up more of their ill-gotten wealth. Much more. If they don't like it, let them move.
When the shit hits the fan get ready for socialism. Either that or anarchy.
True anon. Republicans are the type who when kids, put holes in the kickball rather than lose the game. They'll destroy this country before giving up the power they've had for decades.
They're evil, subhuman miscreants.
Keith, modesty is a virtue.
I believe McCain will win because the corrupt USG has a technology called DIEBOLD.
The voters do not matter, exit polls do not matter, integrity does not matter. It's all about power and keeping it.
Joe M.
"I am voting McCain/Palin simply because they're more entertaining in a sick kind of way."
Dude, I hope you're joking.
Play with twisted metal instead.
Obama/Biden 08.
Not so sure about that map Keith. It looks like mainland Virginia is leaning Obama, while the Eastern Shore peninsula is a tossup.
I didn't realize they counted separately in the electoral college.
This sloppy crap throws the maps's entire credibility into question.
Sarah Palin is no more qualified to be Vice President than, at best, 15% of all Americans. And, yet, there are *still* people trying to say she's more experienced than Obama.
dude, you are mixing up "experience" with "qualified". simply having experience does not make one qualified. It helps but does not guarantee it.
You can't say with a straight face that obama has much more (if any) experience than Palin. No way.
You can argue that there are other qualities that make him more qualified, like his ability to give a good speech. Or that the europeans like him better.
But in the end we are left with my opinion vs yours.
and by the way, palin is not running against obama (maybe news to you). So let's compare obama's experience with McCain's, shall we? That is more apples to apples.
Opps, well, McCain clearly wins there. So I guess experience doesn't really matter, does it? And we are left with "other qualities" that we can argue about.
Obama has sold more books than McCain. Oh, Obama can raise his hands above his shoulders.
But then again, McCain can speak extemporaneously without saying Um every 5th word.
When the shit hits the fan get ready for socialism. Either that or anarchy.
Ah, but I will be ok. Someone still has to rule the sheeple for they can't think for themselves.
Us socialist rulers need will need our own food supply so we don't get melamine contaminated milk. We will have access to government vacation houses. Oh yes, we will still be ok.
under socialism, everyone is equal but some are more equal than others.
YamYam said:
They'll rely on their old favorite:
oh but it is true!
watch couric's hard hitting interview with palin, holding her feet to the fire until she answered. I thought that was great, I wish our MSM would do that do ALL politicians.
Then watch her hard hitting interview with Biden on the train.
You can't tell me that is equal treatment. No way, no how. She sits there just lapping up the spew from biden, shaking her head yes.
for the record I dislike both candidates.
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