Why didn't George Bush, for eight long and excruciating years, communicate with the American people?
You know, briefings from the oval office. Fireside chats. Direct addresses to the American people in order to get them to explain his worldview and agenda and gain support.
Why didn't George Bush be, well, President?
Why? Rewatch the excruciating scene in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 where Bush (aptly called "The Monkey" on this blog) continues to read The Pet Goat to a group of elementary school students for SEVEN F$CKING MINUTES after learning a second plane has struck the Twin Towers and America is under attack.
Because Bush has other plans with his cult.
New World Order
Funny how people make fun of christian's who read the bible....Who will have the last laugh?
easy... he thinks he's always right, and holds the people and the constitution in contempt.
Well, for one thing, his agenda was illegal.
His handlers wouldn't let him elaborate on THAT aspect of his administration.
As for his leadership skills:
Well, that's a mute point...
His job was to rubber stamp and put an official signature on the Shadow Government, nothing more.
Didn't Bush do some Roosevelt-style radio broadcasts? I'm sure I remember reading something about that...
Guess you haven't heard the weekly Presidential radio address...
George Bushco is an stupid, ignorant idiot, that's why.
"Fireside chats"
Would Bush's meetings with Satan (Cheney) qualify as fireside chats?
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