Right now it's "The Politics and Policy Blog with an Attitude Problem"
But that doesn't seem to get to the meat of it. I RAGE against McCain and Palin, I luke-warmly support Obama, I HATE the Democratic and Republican parties, I supported Ron Paul, ....
So, fire away. New name by the weekend...
How about something like "vote out all encumbants"?
BTW I applied for my absentee ballot about a week ago...I wasn't at all energized about this election until Palin...talk about a bad choice for America!
How about "The Politics and Policy Blog that tells it like it is. Because no one else will."
Americant (Amer-I-Can't)
Alternatively: Ameriwont & Ameridont
I like AmericaPanic.
But, maybe, CivilWar-Part II?..
America's Demise..AmericanDownfall..
Is This Anyway To Run A Country?
"Death of the American Dream"
(with apologies to the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson)
"George and Dick Wreck the World"
How about "A Pox on all their Houses"?
"Fuck'em and the horses they rode into town on"?
Well, on Housing Panic you called it an "Anti-McCain" blog, which it is. I noticed you no longer call it that on HP. Why not be honest? How about "A simple-minded, one-sided, political waste of time"
'America Screwed the Pooch'
'Greed Nation'
'Graft n' Greed'
"Behold your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt.24:38)
AAA-rated AmericaPanic :)
TitanicPANIC - A Political Blog for Survivors of America's Crash.
MediaPANIC - The Truth-Based Blog for Disenchanted MSM Reporters.
PalinPANIC - The I-Told-You-So Blog for Penitent McCain Voters.
Post-ElectionPANIC - A Political Blog for Voters Who Expected Things to Change.
America Panic..
"Does anyone REALLY care?"
"Following the great Republic's of the past."
"Latest in a long line of failed Republic's"
"Is American Idol on tonight?"
"It's all the short sellers fault."
"It's only fraud if someone prosecutes me for it."
"Over 2 Trillion served"
"China's Biatch"
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be."
"And we will all go down together.."
Peace out
States United In Panic
Keith- i like what panic attack said. "The Politics and Policy blog that tells it like it is - because no one else will."
How about ?
States United On Panic
-On Line =
States United Under Panic
-On Line
Are we getting close?
One Nation - Under Dogs
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