"More than any single factor, McCain's bad judgment in choosing the inarticulate, insular and ethically challenged Palin disqualifies him for the presidency."
- Salt Lake Tribune, endorsing Barack Obama over Palin(Idiot)/McCain, October 2008
(and the Democrats stood around with their thumbs up their rears and let it happen...)
Joe Biden must be a political genius. He makes a major fool of himself four times a day and Saturday Night Live, Letterman, Leno and AmericaPanic hardly notice.
Every and all the cards are falling against McCain. Even the Mormons hate his brand of racist hate speech, lies and innuendo. His dirty filthy rotten campaign is Over. He and the GOP are doomed.
America hates a loser. Palin/McCain/GOP IS the new definition of LOSER.
It was fun watching the GOP pundits trying to support their Party that Wrecked America today on Sunday propaganda showing. They are desperate and delusional and no longer utter the word 'Bush', instead they use 'the last 8 years'...
Saying the word 'Bush' is worse than uttering Kike or Nigger in a mixed crowd for all the Right reasons...
McCain-Palin are like death row inmate lovers, last meal consumed, in the tank, strapped to the board, waiting for the syringe to plunge and the death cocktail to enter their veins and kill them promptly at the stroke of midnight...
There will be No Call of clemency from the American people, even the racist stupid southern crackers including the tax-cheat liar 'Joe the Plumber' or any of his ill-bred ilk before the appointed time of Nov 5th, 2008 at 12:01 am for John Herbert Hoover McCain or Sarah George Wallace Palin.
They should burn the entire swinish GOP in a dumpster and flush the ashes into the sewer where they belong.
The fat is in the fire and the hog is in the tunnel.
Bye Bye McCain. Welcome to Hell.
What is it about this women that sets you off and how is it that Mrs. Obama is never ever and I mean ever depicted in any of your comments ever. Oh yes we don't want to be called racist now do we. Would she appear on Saturday Night Live and poke fun at herself? and that my friend is why you and the left are complete frauds and Obama still can't close this thing and we shall see but thanks for the show.
Sarah Palin is the type of person who is so lost in themselves, they can't see anyone or anything else. From her perspective, she's the one. The it girl. The one who turns heads when she walks in the room. The one who dazzles men with ANYTHING she says.
Then, life happens.
A completely insane invitation from an old broken man takes her out of her very small world and, well, the results aren't pretty.
But Sarah troops on. So convinced is she of herself, she isn't aware she is the fool we see.
For the Sarahs of the world, shame, embarrassment, humility (for themselves) are not part of their vocabulary.
Do you see the hate for this woman and calling McCain an old man someone who regardless of his policies paid a price for his service more than most of us will experience yet he is called names. Imagine if Obama was a former POW and spent 5 years locked up he would be canonized by now. Imagine calling Mrs. Obama these names, yeah!
She did just fine in the debate against Biden. Must have been difficult for you to accept. Maybe you only watched the SNL version?
I am just amazed that there are any liberals in Utah, but there are.
Governor Palin has a campaign stop here in our little town of (population 120K) tonight. They expect a crowd of 12K and it may be as large as 20K. For reference, the Messiah drew a crowd of 6K when he visited last month.
If we believe Keith's vitriol, this woman should be speaking to empty venues yet she outdraws Obama 2:1 when there is no way for the Dems to bus in "extras".
I think this election is going to be a lot closer than you Obamabots and the Press dare to admit.
" Anonymous said...
Governor Palin has a campaign stop here in our little town of (population 120K) tonight. They expect a crowd of 12K and it may be as large as 20K. For reference, the Messiah drew a crowd of 6K when he visited last month."
Must be down south with the retarded crackers and racist hatemongers... Say hello to liar Joe the tax-deadbeat Plumber.
Any port in a storm.
"Do you see the hate for this woman and calling McCain an old man someone who regardless of his policies paid a price for his service.."
Yes, he is old, and, he is broken. Otherwise he would have stood up to the most divisive parts of his Party and chosen the running mate many have said he wanted-Sen. Lieberman or Gov. Tim Pawlenty. He caved in to the far right of the Party and therefore lost the ability to claim he has the experience, judgement and strength to act differently than the Republican Party of George Bush.
He's out on the campaign trail claiming he's not Bush, when all of his decisions so far have catered to the hard right Republicans that got us into this godawful mess.
That's why you see Palin out there-right now-talking about how she enjoys being in the small towns of America. You know, the TRUE PATRIOTIC parts of America.
I guess for the 84% of Americans who live elsewhere, we are all terrorists.
I honestly don't think McCain feels that way, but he selected this fascist in heels so he and his campaign has to live with the mistake he made.
The rest of us don't.
Obama/Biden 08.
So a candidate cannot select someone of his choosing but of the liberal lefts choosing but Joe Biden that's a great selection and he says something stupid every day and no one here cares because he is their joe. Today he said that Obama will be tested within 6 months wow the election is not over yet and you may get surprised
Q: What's the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom?
"gwk said:
Oh yes we don't want to be called racist now do we. Would she appear on Saturday Night Live and poke fun at herself? and that my friend is why you and the left are complete frauds and Obama still can't close this thing and we shall see but thanks for the show."
October 20, 2008 1:00 PM
My Friend? I am not 'Your Friend' just like I am not John Herbert Hoover McCain r Sarah George Wallaces' "Friend". I have never met you, and I never want to meet McCain or Palin...
You are so BRAINWASHED and loyal to the desperate, doomed and down-in-the-ditch trainwreck called collectively the GOP that you even write like them, 'My Friend'.
God Bless You, but seek professional health for your GOPosis...
Mash McCain and Pulverize Palin.
gwk said...
"Imagine calling Mrs. Obama these names, yeah!"
Mrs. Obama is not an unqualified fraud running for the second highest office in the country. Oh yeah and she is not an idiot.
There are no liberals in UT. The most HARDCORE republican you will ever meet outside of UT is a FLAMING liberal inside of UT. I lived in that shithole state for 25 years and after tiring of hearing the Mormomn line of "if you dont like it, leave" on every issue or fucked up policy they shove down your throat, I took their advice one day and did just that. LEFT. Best thing I ever did in my life was escape the hell known as Zion.
When McCain last ran for president, the Bush campaign went to lengths to smear him that I would personally find hard to forgive if they had been taken against me. He did not stand up for himself, his wife, or their adopted daughter strongly enough when those sleazy rumors came out.
Now Mc Cain is no more a maverick, but would be the second coming of George W.Bush (except that Bush actually had a smart running mate both times).
I know that standing up for your family and standing up for your nation are not exactly the same thing, but if you can't defend your family's by asserting how things really are, and calling the liars by their true names, what kind of president will you be?
Sarah Palin is wrapped up in her own worldview. She acts oblivious to criticisms about the "palling around with terrorists" statement. She says she would say the same thing if she had to do things over again. WTF?
Her media interviews should make great instructional materials for logic students; she seems to be a walking "logical fallacy tutorial". Her answers abound in "straw men", "ad hominem" and other fallacies, including the use of weasel words and gobbledygook. She is like the new High Priestess of Gobbledygook.
As for the "palling around" statement, I know Peggy Noonan writes in a less folksy tone than Governor Palin talks in, but Noonan's criticism's are clear and easy for most people to understand. Palin supposedly has a B.A., right?
Sorry to vent. I just get incensed that so many people in my area are buying her lies. There is less visible support for the McCain/Palin ticket now than there was in 2004 for Bush/Cheney, but it still amazes me that they have any support at all.
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