Instead, we got this pathetic, dangerous, classless and undignified disaster of a campaign.
What happened to John McCain?
Because this new John McCain, and maybe this REALLY is the true John McCain, is downright disgusting.
(and the Democrats stood around with their thumbs up their rears and let it happen...)
No, because of "the base" (English for "al-Qaida", ironically).
The Yankee GOP never won squat; only by a Faustian alliance with the racists and kooks from Dixie and the pre-defeat German emigrees of the Midwest did they start winning.
To all our detriment.
Because McCain knows exactly what is coming.
Crisis, chaos, desperation, greater depression and the death of the USD.
He will be safely secure in his USG provided safe house.
Politics is a dirty business, with a heavy accent on business.
It's all about selling-out to the highest bidder - political whoredom.
The Straight Talk Express ran out of gas early in the race because big money 'conservatives' were too implicated in Bushco's fraudfest.
A desperate McCain was forced to dumb-down his campaign to avoid biting the hands and stepping on the toes of entrenched GOP fraudsters.
As a consequence, his campaign message became increasingly distorted in direct proportioon to the amount of 'tainted' donations brokered by the RNC.
Why didn't W. plant fake WMD's in Iraq? Maybe, because he's not the crook you said he is.
Why will there be a smooth transition of power when Obama wins the election? Maybe, because Bush isn't the fascist you make him out to be.
Why will housing gamblers still get bailed out under Obama? Maybe, because the Democratic Congressmena and Senators were a large part of the Ponzi scheme.
Why will the American dream be redefined again? Maybe, because socialism is inconsistent with the American dream
Obama fans.. Do you see what a far left activist He is? Can you tell how blatantly he's lying to sway the middle vote. Government interference in the free market created this credit crisis. It is about to be made much worse. Yes...McCain is bad too. But huge government will ensure this pain lasts for a generation. Israel will attack Iran. What will your position be?
"Israel will attack Iran. What will your position be?"
This is not an anti-Semetic statement, but ... fuck Israel. There are no American interests on whether Israel exists or not. No oil there and they only exist because of constant U.S. propping. Sad but true. Read James Michener's The Source to understand the bloody tribal history of the region. Same as it ever way...
Because the Dark Side has cookies!
And because he so vainly wanted his shot at the title. Without Palin the base would have stayed home.
Hopefully they still will.
(loved the Declaration, btw)
My guess is...Obama will not be able to publicly share your sentiment. Therefore, how will he react? Also, what does that sentiment mean to other allies of ours. Many of them are weak without us - like the Russian Republics. And Israel has NO oil, you know. It isn't about oil there...never was. So, you think Obama will condemn Israel and let Iran destroy them?
McCain knows exactly what he would do. Obama doesn't.
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