It's fun to go back and read the Republican trolls and their misguided predictions. I don't think they saw it coming.
America's not embracing the Democrats, don't get that confused. Nope, America is simply kicking the Republicans to the curb.
The GOP has been destroyed.
It will never, EVER, come back.
The national Republican Party is now dead.
Goodbye Rush Limbaugh. Goodbye John McCain. Goodbye Sean Hannity. Goodbye George Bush. Goodbye Karl Rove. Goodbye Fox News. You are completely and forever discredited. You wrecked America and you are now dead.
That said, the former members of this dead and discredited party will resurface, and they'll likely form new political parties. Some might even stay under the old "Republican" banner, after the GOP civil war. But the GOP as you knew it is now dead.
Good riddance.
Never before has a political party, and their ignorant and misguided supporters, done so much damage to America. And the Republicans are now competing with the German Nazi Party for the banner of "most destructive political party in world history".
Good riddance.
History will be brutal.
I hope their defeat causes a mass suicide.
They have no diginity. They are scums who have made hundred s of millions of dollars with lies and hate. Remember the late George Carlin: The rich pay no taxes.
The middleclass pay the taxes and work the most.
The Poor are there to remind the middleclass to keep working and pay those taxes.
Fox, Sean, Rush, Bill, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Laura I.,Ann Coulter some of the foul mouth ANTI American assholes out there spreading hate. They are done.
Keith this was a long 8 years...Very long for my family.
I am scared of what Bush is up to, hearing today Syrian orders had to come from the top. Can someone just kick that asshole out before he kills us all?
We should all kiss the rings of the honest, true, chaste and benevolent Democrat American Heroes. Names that will go down in history as voices of reason in times of insanity; honesty in times of prevarication.
I can almost hear angelic choirs singing Amazing Grace as I type the hallowed syllables: Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, Murtha. Oooo, I just get the urge to kneel even thinking about how holy and clean these people are. They have no friends at Fannie or Freddie. They didn't let the Ponzi scheme affect their legislation in any way. I'm just so darn proud of those democrats! Their hands are clean of the blood of the down trodden
"And the Republicans are now competing with the German Nazi Party for the banner of "most destructive political party in world history".:
No Competition whatsoever. Facts:
Bush and Cheney wrecked and murdered a thriving economy and turned America into a third world economic nation even though they inherited a massive financial surplus. Bush and Cheney also launched not 1, not 2 but THREE costly wars that have effectively bankrupted the United States of America and doomed the next three generations to a lifetime of debt serfdom.
Adolph and his gang inherited a bankrupt nation in DEPRESSION and ultimately came within a few bad decisions and a case of syphylis of ruling the world. They were revered and worshipped as Gods.
Bush on the other hand, after eight long and tortuous years has a 23% approval rating... Congress, last time I looked was at 9%...
Questions? Comments? Rebutal?
Bush and Cheney would have been given special treatment in Hitler's Germany for their 3 stooges approaches and general stupidity.
The current lightweight and useless GOP would not have lasted a week in Hitlers Germany and would have been at best, a small footnote in History. Sort of like a bump in the road.
Let's hope that this election is not rigged and Bush takes his rightful place in the pantheon of failed, brutal dictators. And McCain takes his place in the same pantheon as one of the wannabe failed brutal dictators who lost a legit election.
And, yes, I shamelessly used one of Bush's own lines he used about Saddam.
You're forgetting the communists Keith...
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