No medical records. No press conference. No Meet the Press appearance. And yet this idiot could still be President of the United States in just a few short months.
43% of the American people are truly hopeless. They'd vote for a turtle if was the GOP candidate.
So, why no medical records?
Got something to hide?
Yes, she has to hide the fact that the Downs Syndrome baby isn't hers.
Others speculate she may have had an abortion.
Neither would matter to me except to convince me that she, like all the rest, are terrible liars.
But we knew that.
Sounds crazy but now I'm seriously wondering if that kid really is hers: if she knew (as claimed) she was going to have a handicapped child, there must have been piles of tests, extra stand by med staff at the delivery, etc.
And supposedly, she was still running around on business all day literally hours before giving birth, traveling on an Air Alaska flight. Supposedly her Dr. didn't think this was an issue and gave her the OK to do so...
Ummm, sorry, from my experience, all this sounds very, very wrong. Or the Dr. was either drunk, a complete idiot, or was OK with a huge lawsuit if there were any complications.
I agree with you Keith. Alaska www.mudflats.com has demanded that her medical records be released.
I turn to fox news just to see what they are up to...DISGRACE...they are like cancer and I hope we will find a cure on Nov. 4th.
Fairness Doctrine will be brought back in. :You need to address and educate the importance of this.
Sean, Bill, and Rushy are shaking in their boots if this law is brought back in...Well they made hundreds of millions on hate and lies. Its payback time.
Sarah baby Trig is not hers. Bristol gave birth to that baby. Briston according to Alaska bloggers on mudflats; was absent from HS for 5 months. Sarah said her daughter was sick with mono. Conviently it was 5 months before Trig was born.
But Fox news and many other corporation media outlets are protecting the GOP.
Nobody says her medical records have to be complete or truthful
Who'd ever know?
But come on, hours away from the election, and still no records?
I can't believe this isn't an issue
don't you think that there's enough legitimate stuff to hate about sarah palin? this rumor is the left wing version of the obama was born in kenya rumor.
michelle obama was right, this is a mean country.
Born in Kenya.
My 70 year old middleclass neighbor is so scared she says Obama was born in Kenya. She wants to know who paid for college. She claims Osama's people raised Barack paid for his college and once he is on office..Osma and all the middleeast will come in and take over America.
I had to explain to her very calm that wasn't true..and so on.
I am so tired of all of this. Tonight a local republican politician stop by my home to campaign. We got into a debate, he is a history teacher in our high school....He went on that Barack is too liberal..I asked him one question..What does liberal mean? Because it is a dirty word in the media. According to conservatives if you are liberal you are anti american. His answer was bigger government programs to help the poor. I responded what is so wrong helping the poor, isn't that the Christian thing to do? He said there are people abusing the system. I said there are enough honest people who need the help. The only people who are abusing and raping the system is the wall street billionaires.
I ended our conversation with; If being a liberal is helping the poor than I am a liberal.
My god what is wrong with everyone in this Country?
"But come on, hours away from the election, and still no records?
I can't believe this isn't an issue"
OK Keith, fair enough. When is Obama going to release his complete medical records? All we have so far is a one-page note from his doctor saying basically he's OK. Insiders still say he smokes like a chimney, but have we ever seen a photograph of Obama with a cigarette in his hand?
The Press is carrying water big-time for this phony, and fawners like you are totally pwned.
Grow up man, before it's too late.
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