Sarah Palin is a national disgrace.
Just when you thought the GOP couldn't sink to new lows, they go out and sink to new lows.
The past six weeks have been six of the most shameful and embarrassing weeks in American political history. And last week was the worst, thanks to Sarah Palin and her handlers in the McCain campaign.
We went to a whole new level of political scum when the GOP vice presidential candidate insinuated that the Democratic nominee was essentially an un-American Muslim terrorist.
Yes, she is ignorant, and an undereducated unintellectual incurious fool, but this is no excuse. She should be ashamed, John McCain should be ashamed of her, Americans should be ashamed of them, and she should withdraw. And if she doesn't withdraw, she should be loudly opposed anywhere she rears her head.
The American people are going to withdraw her anyway in a few weeks, but for the good of the country, and to help avoid something truly tragic for the nation, she should apologize, repudiate her own hateful remarks, and withdraw.
She is a disgrace.
"Attacking Obama for his toleration of Bill Ayers is legitimate. Attacking him for not dissociating himself from Jeremiah Wright earlier is legitimate. Attacking him for raising taxes is fine. But associating him with "terrorists" in the context of large, angry crowds isn't. Calling him a traitor and someone who seeks to put US troops in harm's way in an emotionally fraught time isn't. Not immediately and strongly rebuking crowd cries of "terrorist," "kill him!" and "treason" isn't.
McCain must loudly and clearly disown and disavow this rhetoric soon. Or we all may live to regret it more deeply than we can currently imagine."
- Republican columnist Andrew Sullivan, October 2008
At McCain-Palin rallies, the raucous and insistent cries of “Treason!” and “Terrorist!” and “Kill him!” and “Off with his head!” as well as the uninhibited slinging of racial epithets, are actually something new in a campaign that has seen almost every conceivable twist. They are alarms. Doing nothing is not an option.
All’s fair in politics. John McCain and Sarah Palin have every right to bring up William Ayers, even if his connection to Obama is minor, even if Ayers’s Weather Underground history dates back to Obama’s childhood, even if establishment Republicans and Democrats alike have collaborated with the present-day Ayers in educational reform. But it’s not just the old Joe McCarthyesque guilt-by-association game, however spurious, that’s going on here. Don’t for an instant believe the many mindlessly “even-handed” journalists who keep saying that the McCain campaign’s use of Ayers is the moral or political equivalent of the Obama campaign’s hammering on Charles Keating.
What makes them different, and what has pumped up the Weimar-like rage at McCain-Palin rallies, is the violent escalation in rhetoric, especially (though not exclusively) by Palin. Obama “launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist.” He is “palling around with terrorists” (note the plural noun). Obama is “not a man who sees America the way you and I see America.” Wielding a wildly out-of-context Obama quote, Palin slurs him as an enemy of American troops.
It's good that people are having their cherished illusions shattered.
As with the economy, so with The People.
Democracy, or "let the people decide your fate" is crap.
Socialism, or "give the people your hard earned property at the barrel of a gun" is also crap.
The driving force behind the Housing PANIC and AmericaPANIC is The People.
Funny Sarah Palin takes her two daughters to drop the puck at the Philly's/Rangers hockey game...She was booed...very loudly...
You can see Obama signs...
It is posted on you tube...
No one Person in this administration has appologize for what they have done to Americans.
Not one person is under investigation...Only Fox News and CNN are blaming Acorn and low Income families for this crisis we are in....
Fuck Bush...Palin is a freak just like Bush..I never thought the republican base could find someone as dumb as Bush...But they should did.
John "George Wallace" McCain and his running mate Sarah "Sharpton-Jackson" Palin.
Racial segregationists and agent provocatuers. They should remember, Big Jack, Bobby and Dr. King. It can happen to anyone.
I sure hope it doesn't happen here and now, I pray.
Look at the video of the McCain 'Town Hall" meeting this weekend where the whacko loudmouthed woman attendee says she is scared of Sen Obama because "he is an Arab". There you have the collective IQ of Joe/Jane Six Pack, stupid, ignorant, racist American on full display. Remember, these whack jobs are many time gun owners too.
Is anyone safe? Think about it.
Imagine a presidential candidate proposing to do what the country really needs. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I will raise taxes, especially on the rich, while massively cutting government spending and services. I will bring all troops back to the US and drastically cut military spending and foreign aid. I will put caps on Medicare so some of you won't get the treatment you'll need (sorry about that), and cut back your social security, too. I won't give a dime to struggling homeowners or stupid investors. You will be tightening your belts for the rest of your lives. I will use the surplus money to pay off our foreign debt, especially to the Chinese, and invest in domestic energy to cut our dependency on foreign oil. Meanwhile, gas will cost six bucks a gallon. And I won't devote one second of my time to education, gays, abortion, faith-based anything, guns, flag-burning, or whatever your pet issue is - they just aren't that important right now. Economics is everything."
OK, how many votes would that candidate get?
Our only hope is for a candidate who is slick enough to lie to the public to get elected, then smart enough to do the right thing once in office. Obama might just be that candidate. McCain is certainly not. Keep your fingers crossed.
I know a few of these Joe/Jane Sixpack's. I live in a state populated with them. They are indeed scary. Very scary. They are stubbornly ignorant, highly self-righteous, and deceptively dangerous. We need to be aware that they exist, that they are loud and proud, and that they will do everything in their power to make sure their candidate wins.
Anonymous said...
I know a few of these Joe/Jane Sixpack's. I live in a state populated with them. They are indeed scary. Very scary. They are stubbornly ignorant, highly self-righteous, and deceptively dangerous. We need to be aware that they exist, that they are loud and proud, and that they will do everything in their power to make sure their candidate wins.
Here, here!
People, who don't live in such areas, have no idea how deeply the idea of "voting right" (i.e. Republican,) is ingrained in the collective mindset of the average country/back-woodsy bible-banging American moron. I live in a sea of McSame/MooseTurd signs on front lawns. Ask them why, and Obama is either a terrorist, a Democrat who's going to raise taxes, a Muslim, a damned-to-hell atheist (despite the fact that he has attended church for years,) a traitor who does not support our troops, or if nothing else, a NIGGER (Sorry, their words, not mine!)
McCain is a war hero (or at least he's white,) and that's usually all that they have to offer as to why they will vote for him.
These pathetic people live on misinformation, they have too. Everything that they have ever believed in is crashing down, and they will use ANY “facts”, spoon fed to them, to try and prop that system back up, if only in their own ignorant minds.
The old saying goes: “Fundamentalism is the last refuge of the very frightened.”
I have got to agree with you Anon 7:28, very scary indeed!
"...Everything that they have ever believed in is crashing down..."
They know it, and are already prepping with "Obama did it"(3 months before taking office.)
He should've taken a dive, but it doesn't really matter. We are past that now, in the dimming twilight of a once possibly-great society.
Thomas Jefferson rolls in his grave.
Just another reason to love Andrew Sullivan...
My question, however:
What the f$ck is it going to take, Andrew, to get rid of that "Republican" label in front of your name?????
Sarah "George Wallace" Palin...
Re Bill Ayers:
He has apparently rebuilt his life such that he is deemed respectable enough as an educator. (So much for Christian forgiveness and redemption).
Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to have had him hold a fund raiser coffee klatch or whatever, but as for the rest of it, if you go to a meeting and find someone on the board you do or don't like, do you grill them over their past? I don't think so.It's called manners and being professional.
grandma pkk
Yes, she is ignorant, undereducated, unintellectual, incurious and a lot of other things. And, that's exactly what the AVERAGE American sticks to like fly paper.
And her sound is just like Average America's children, siblings, friends, neighbors, church-folk all sound like to them.
This is no accident. As a sales person, I went through all kinds of training to "sound" like my client's friends and family - it was the sense of familiarity that won them over, not me. There's a technology to it. It can get creepy. It's just sales.
She unfortunately appeals to some who get caught by that technology. They really couldn't describe what it is about her, they just feel something.
If she's been able to pick this stuff up, she'll have an edge over anyone else.
McCain is too over-the-hill to learn anything.
HPers, I love it.
I agree with some of you, disagree with others. But I most agree with the democracy, the authenticity, of reading the thoughts of ordinary people here on this blog.
It's all here. The proud, profane, clear, muddy, silly, serious, accurate and hopelessly misguided thoughts from all of us. It's all here.
There is something uniquely American and conforting about what we're doing.
Thank you Keith. Thank you HPers.
Obama is “not a man who sees America the way you and I see America.”
oh, but that is true. obama sees a very different america. an america where it is his patriotic duty to increase taxes on the rich and GIVE it directly to the poor.
obama is an idiot. He claims that 95% of america would get a tax break under his plan.
Problem is only 62% of americans pay federal income taxes.
he says stuff like this all the time. makes one statement and then immediately contradicts it with his next statement.
I think the guy is simply reciting memorized lines.
At McCain-Palin rallies, the raucous and insistent cries of “Treason!” and “Terrorist!” and “Kill him!” and “Off with his head!”
it is almost as bad at obama rallies whenever McCain is mentioned. but that is expected from the left. it is surprising to hear that the right has decided to exist in the gutters the left has been in for a long time.
consultant said...
HPers, I love it.
how do you know which computers people use? and why would you not address people who may use other computer brands?
I have an HP. Is this information recorded somewhere when I post?
Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to have had him hold a fund raiser coffee klatch or whatever, but as for the rest of it, if you go to a meeting and find someone on the board you do or don't like, do you grill them over their past? I don't think so.It's called manners and being professional.
BS! I would never serve on a board that had someone like ayers on it, even if they were "reformed". what he did was inexcusable. It would be like re-electing bill clinton to a third term after he lied under oath.
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