Here's Peggy Noonan, Reagan's former speechwriter, on the dumbing down of politics, and the queen of the idiots - Sarah Palin.
On the dumbing down:
More than ever on the campaign trail, the candidates are dropping their G's. Hardworkin' families are strainin' and tryin'a get ahead. It's not only Sarah Palin but Mr. McCain, too, occasionally Mr. Obama, and, of course, George W. Bush when he darts out like the bird in a cuckoo clock to tell us we are in crisis.
All of the candidates say "mom and dad": "our moms and dads who are struggling." This is Mr. Bush's former communications adviser Karen Hughes's contribution to our democratic life, that you cannot speak like an adult in politics now, that's too austere and detached, snobby. No one can say mothers and fathers, it's all now the faux down-home, patronizing—and infantilizing—moms and dads.
Do politicians ever remember that in a nation obsessed with politics, our children—sorry, our kids—look to political figures for a model as to how adults sound?
And on Palin the Idiot:
But we have seen Mrs. Palin on the national stage for seven weeks now, and there is little sign that she has the tools, the equipment, the knowledge or the philosophical grounding one hopes for, and expects, in a holder of high office.
It's unclear whether she is Bushian or Reaganite. She doesn't think aloud. She just . . . says things.
This is not a leader, this is a follower, and she follows what she imagines is the base, which is in fact a vast and broken-hearted thing whose pain she cannot, actually, imagine. She could reinspire and reinspirit; she chooses merely to excite. She doesn't seem to understand the implications of her own thoughts.
No news conferences? Interviews now only with friendly journalists? You can't be president or vice president and govern in that style, as a sequestered figure. This has been Mr. Bush's style the past few years, and see where it got us.
In the end the Palin candidacy is a symptom and expression of a new vulgarization in American politics. It's no good, not for conservatism and not for the country. And yes, it is a mark against John McCain, against his judgment and idealism.
Peggy Noonan is another exasperated, heavy breathing faux intellectual that goes to great extents to state the obvious.
Of course politics has been dumbed down. Our entire society has been dumbed down!
Have you ever tried reading the Federalist Papers, Keith?
Federalist Papers Online
These were our founders and they were true intellectuals. They didn't speak in empty slogans, simple generalizations, sound bites and cheap ad hominem attacks at their opponents. Look at their grasp of language and the depth of their ideas. The general population of today's eyes simply glaze over when they are confronted with this material.
Look where we are today. We have slogans like "Hope and Change", "we have farms to save", "we need to save Wall Street to save Main Street". How much more simplified and meaningless can politics become than "hope and change"?
It's not just Sarah Palin. Yes, she is a joke but Obama and the rest of our political classes are no much further up the ladder.
Occanionally Mr. Obama?
Obama is the maestro.
His campaign has been an absolute work of art.
He is a top notch politician, the kind that comes along once a generation.
He can stir the masses better than anyone I've seen since Reagan.
Dumbing it down is a part of the job.
Do politicians ever remember that in a nation obsessed with politics, our children—sorry, our kids—look to political figures for a model as to how adults sound?
What is she smoking? The kids I know look to Eric Cartman and Myley Cyrus on how to speak and act.
This guy was on Bill Marr last night saying that we ARE going into a financial meltdown now, but mainly that cleam, renewable energy is our only real salvation for us. That screaming 'drill, drill, drill!' is about the same as screaming 'carbon paper, carbon paper, carbon paper!' or 'typewriters, we need more typewriters!' at the dawn of the computer age. That renewable energy is where the jobs, the money and the only hope to lead the world again is.
I think he's right.
I guess that renewable energy will also be the next bubble, so if someone wants to make a lot of money, I would think investing in this would be it.
And overpopulation is the reason for most of our problems. It is much easier to manage a small company than a large one. Anyone can see that.
God, I'm a humorless old poop.
This site used to depress the hell out of me. Now it is the highlight of my day.
Only place not over-run by idiots. Thanks to you Keith, thanks to you.
Palin is finished. McCain too.
She is not worth the time to discuss.
Please, Stop It.
Oh, but we will ALL be tuned in to SNL tonight to see ol' Sarah do her gosh-darned cute thing.
Hey Keith, I know this isn't the right place to post this, but I'm not depressed anymore. I think I've seen the future and it is clean. It's like America is a three pack a day smoker that has to quit. Would encourage everyone in here to put their money and their vote behind anything involving renewable energy.
Like plastics my son, plastics, only bio-degradeable ones.
I think this would be a good place to start.
How cool is this. I didn't know this was even available. You can convert your gas guzzler to an electric car without having to buy an actual electric car.
Buy stock in this.
Or, just buy one.
(Sorry, Keith I'm on a roll.)
Private Investments of $25,000 USD
Currently, people who purchase cars from us have to wait up to 3 months for delivery. We want to have cars on site to be able to deliver these cars in just days. We need working capital to stock our inventory of cars to sell in our online showroom
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Contact Us Direct E-Mail
Business plans provided per request
No wonder Obama is so confident everything will be ok. He is 100% behind renewable energy.
Yet another reason to vote for him.
McCain is too old to get it.
Let Bush drown in a vat of oil.
I think this renewable energy stuff won't start entering the mainstream for a few years, in fact, not really for 7-10.
But in the next 20-50 years, everything will have been converted. And not just here, in China and other industrialized nations.
It's sort of like it's 1933 and everyone is depressed sitting around their radio listening to someone sing 'Brother Can You Spare a Dime?', when they didn't know that in the next 10-12 years they would be buying their first televsion set and the world would change in ways they could never imagine.
Her job is not to "excite", it is to "incite" with her vile hate filled rhetoric.
She's seems oblivious to her part in ushering this tragicomedic episode, but from a former Reagan speechwriter, it is foolish to expect otherwise.
Folksy speech is such a late symptom of a long-term disease that Noonan really is restating the obvious.
One good thing about her article is that she is "calling bullshit" on the Palin selection publicly instead of bemoaning it "privately" when she thinks the mikes are off and the cameras are not rolling.
It's kind of late for Noonan to risk the wrath of her colleagues, but better late than never.
"...You must address America in its entirety...a great nation trying to hold together. When you don't, when you play only to your little piece, you contribute to its fracturing...
...those whose thoughts lead them to criticism in this area are to be shunned...They bitterly attacked those...against the Bush administration. This was destructive. If they had stood for conservative principle and the full expression of views, instead of attempting to silence those who opposed mere party, their movement, and the party, would be in a better, and healthier, position..."
Accusing others of this is just about out of steam as well.
Nice job wrecking the party, Neocons. Back now to the liberals from whom you came?
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