It's been years in the making.
And now, it's here. The long shot of long shots, and now the ticket is a winner.
Enough Americans surprisingly wised up, finally, pulled their heads out of their rears, stopped listening to Rush and Hannity and O'Reilley, and said enough was enough. It was time for a change. A BIG change. And a good one. Even though change is tough, and messy.
America and the world can now start on reconstruction and rebuilding, after the most disastrous presidency in US history. It'll take some time, but the healing begins in just three weeks.
George Bush and the Republicans wrecked America.
But we can rebuild it. We have the technology.
And we'll have an inspirational, intelligent, grounded, once-in-a-generation leader who can get it done.
And for the haters and doubters, give the guy a chance. You might be surprised.
It's time for America to be America again.
A shining city on a hill.
Obama is an idiot. No way will he be able to pick up the pieces.
Just listen to what he says during his impromptu stump speeches. things like:
"my tax plan will cut taxes for 95% of americans".
That would be pretty amazing to pull off considering that only about 62% of americans pay federal taxes.
I would guess that obama is not any more intelligent than bush. He does manage to speak in more complete sentences than bush but his impromptu speech is still pretty below average.
This is so pathetic.
First up, let me make it perfectly clear that I absolutely loathe McCain and the GOP.
However, I would really like to understand what it is about Obama that represents change.
All I see is a lot of projected hope and faith in an empty suit of a candidate that is backed by the same old Washington insiders, namely the Brzezinski-Trilateral Commission faction of neo-liberal globalism.
Let's have a good hard look at Obama's record and what he proposes in his own campaign.
Both McCain and Obama supported and voted for the fraudulent $700 billion "bailout" which was nothing but outright theft of taxpayer dollars by the Wall Street financiers.
Neither McCain or Obama have any meaningful plan for improving the US economy except for lots of grand promises of more spending and stimulus checks.
Neither candidate has real plans for cutting back excessive government spending which is the real heart of the problem with the economy today.
Both McCain and Obama support and perpetuate the fraudulent "Global War on Terror".
Obama Pushes for Delay on Iraq Withdrawal for Political Gain
Obama Moves the Phony Global War on Terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan
And here we have Obama flip-flopping on Iran and pandering to the jewish lobby:
Obama on Iran
This stuff is so ludicrous. To think that we're still supposed to believe in this phantom terrorist hiding in a cave in Pakistan and that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were just "blunders" on the road to fighting the terrorists is ridiculous.
Read the plans of the Neocons in their own words:
The Project for the New American Century
And their primary document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" which was published a year before 9/11.
Then look into the writings of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama's foreign policy advisor. The same man that was instrumental in cultivating and supporting the Mujahideen fighers (including Osama Bin Laden - you can find a photo of Zbig with Bin Laden from the 80s on the web).
The Grand Chessboard:
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Brzezinski
Reads just like the Neocons own writings on global primacy and American hegemony.
On top of that we have Obama not even mentioning the illegal and un-Constitutional acts introduced by the Bush administration like the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, PDD-51, John Warner Defense Authorization Act which destroy the Constitution, Bill of Rights and give the executive branch the ability to implement martial law at the drop of a hat!
And then you have Obama also voting for the FISA amendments on warrantless wiretapping. This wiretapping started BEFORE 9/11 not after.
So what we have is another manchurian candidate in Obama that stands on a platform of meaningless hope and change. The population projects their own ideas of hope and change on this blank candidate. Haven't we seen this before?
Look what happened when the people of Argentina had hope and faith in the populist leader Menem:
Argentina's Financial Collapse
So Obama is change?
update update update update update
True. True.
We'll have to fight through what's left of the Republican Party, the right-wingnuts, and most of the mainstream media, who will IMMEDIATELY lay all of Bush's bullshit on Obama.
Their only talking point will be..Obama-fix it. Now!! The ongoing media chatter will be something like, if Obama doesn't cure cancer, he's a failure.
That's why it is absolutely important that internet based blogs stay up and running. This is going to be the only way Obama/Biden has a chance to communicate what they are trying to do.
The other point is that Obama/Biden are going to have to hear from "us" the people, without that message being banned or distilled by the mostly discredited mainstream media.
I am receiving emails from republican publications. They are planning something big...They asked for donations because they were going to pin illegals getting licesnse on Obama. They said they have enough smear to blow this campaign open.
One question Keith,
Why would Jesse Jackson go around and say Obama is against Jews?
I am so nervous about this election I wish it were over now.
I think the republican scum party is up to no good.
We need another W.T. Sherman if that is to happen...
Keith, it doesn't work that way. You know that republicans will do everything they can to destroy Obama BEFORE the election and if they aren't successful will hamper him like they did Clinton. Constant harassment, lies, innuendo. Those filthy, ignorant savages don't lose well. They'll burn down that city on a hill before they relinquish control of it.
You've been around civilized Europeans for too long and have forgotten what a white trash hellhole America has become.
You know he would be back in the Senate had it not been the media and their outright support of him so don't praise and celebrate just yet because be careful what you wish.
Yes the liberal democrats had nothing to do with the financial collapse just those republicans and you really believe it well get ready for the next 4 years with the Carter administration all over again but in spades.
I don't think it'll matter that much who's in next as Bush & co have left such a mess and Obama just doesn't seem to be that brilliant. Depends on who he takes on in the other positions though.
I'm still half-convinced that if he wins, or close to the election there will be one of those 'lone-nut' assassins come along that America's famous for.
I see the hysteria whipped up on Fox and at Republican speeches and fear it's only a matter of time...
We have a rough choice:
McCain and more of the "stay the course" same-o same-o. (robbing We The People to feed the rich)
Obama who could be great or ineffective but there's no way to know in advance.
Think of a hijacked plane and you are a passenger. Do you:
let the idiots smash it into a building ensuring your death
pull a Todd Beamer and rush the hijackers despite it being 90 percent sure death (and a _slim_ chance a Flight Sim player can land it)
The GOP created a financial WMD and, crazy as suicide bombers, are waiting until it goes off and we must try to defuse it - if that's even possible at this point.
The 10 terabuck national debt is a weapon of mass destruction they created by squandering money to make the rich richer.
Post Debate Comment:
Congratulations, President Obama.
John Herbert Hoover McCain and Sarah George Wallace Palin will be looking for book deals and paid speaking engagements this morning.
They are finishd in Presidential politics in 2008.
McCain looked like he was going to have a stroke during the last 12 or so minutes of debate 3. His face was contorted and changing colors from red to crimson and back again. He was truly terrifying to warch. Little children were scared and left the room. John Hoover was lost and adrift for most of the evening. Thank you for not embarrassing the old warmonger any more than required.
McCain "looked like a farmer with terminal cancer trying to borrow money no next years crops...
(R.I.P. HST - We MISS you Doctor)
Palin back to Wasilla to shoot more defenseless animals of all species no doubt and McCain looking for that Buick dealership sales managers slot there in Phoenix.
Have Michelle get a head start on the White House china, furnishings, etc. so you can get right to work prosecuting George and Dick for high crimes and misdemeaneors. Remember about the passports and asset seizures. We expect justice from the New Boss.
Again, Congratulations to you and Sen. Biden and we look forward to a overwhelming landslide victory and a demo controlled congress for the next 8 years.
Be Careful as you know how those bastards play when they are behind and in an unwinnable position, like Right Now.
Those GOP retards in the crowd could be serious with their threats and unseemly behavior.
Obama-Biden 2008. On to Victory!
"...right-wingnuts, and most of the mainstream media...will IMMEDIATELY lay all of Bush's bullshit on Obama..."
Will? They're already cranking that chant up 3 months before he takes office: Bush did nothing but good for 8 years; anything bad is pure Obama.
For a gang that was crowing about "all 3 branches" just 2 short years ago, they're wailing like schoolgirls now.
Grow a pair of balls, pussy. You're not even a conservative.
I love how you say we "have the technology". Now I have the theme song to the 6 Million Dollar Man in my head, and I think it'll play every time I see Obama's gorgeous mug.
Go Obama!!! Lets just pray he is elected.
If anything happens to a President Obama this country will BURN. We'll destroy this motherf*cker overnight.
It won't be safe for republicans ANYWHERE if that happens. Mark my words. This country will no longer exist.
The economy is hurting, and Obama is no miracle healer. He will have a hard time just to keep the economy together and little time to change things for the better. I hope he can at least reform health care without Republican obstructionism.
If Obama loses there would be riots. If McCain loses there won't.
If Acorn were a conservative organization you'd be calling them Nazis. If Biden were a republican you'd be comparing him to Dan Quayle. And you talk about Europe like France didn't just vote in a Conservative gorvernment. Canada is about to do the same.
FDR ballooned the size of the federal government and prolonged the depression. Obama will do the same. In fact, so will McCain. Ron Paul is still the only one who as even BEEN a candidate with the correct viewpoint - and that is fiscal conservatism.
Keith never knew why Ron Paul was right. If he did, he wouldn't be supporting Robin Hood.
Did only republicans vote to remove real estate gains from capital gains taxes? Did only republicans vote to adjust mortgage interest deductions? How exactly are the dems blameless?
"It's time for America to be America again"
Nationalize the oil industry and prosecute the market-manipulating fat cats for racketeering.
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