October 12, 2008

AmericaPANIC Serious Quote of the Day

"As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all. They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better."

- Rep. John Lewis, while comparing the McCain campaign to George Wallace's campaign, October 2008


Anonymous said...

tell lewis and the others to 'bring it on'

Anonymous said...

And Obama isn't playing with fire when he promises things he can't possibly deliver? The false hope of tax cuts for 95%? Better medical care for less money? Tuition assistance, mortgage assistance, etc. ad nauseum? When these promises are revealed as empty political BS and the masses get angry will his shills blame it all on racism or those evil Republicans?

No, they'll do what all good Bolsheviks do, after ruthlessly consolidating power, they will jail or shoot the dissidents, and claim everything is better than they originally planned.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if Trent Lott had said something like that? I wonder what would happen if dozens of people stood outside Rep Lewis office and sing "We Shall Overcome" so loud no one could speak? Maybe we should nominate some community leaders to offer their opinions as pundits but I am not sure what level of education is required to be a community leader.

BTW-My disgust extends to both sides with the exeption of Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

This with whipping up a frenzy of hate is way more dangerous than making big unkeepable promises. Making promises is as old as election politics itself, but hate speech at frenzied almost rapturous rallies is the province of wannabe dictators.

To the anon poster with Obama "playing with fire" try this: Read Mein Kampf and study German history. Then read up on Saddam's rise to power. HINT: Saddam studied Stalin.