October 11, 2008

The Great Unwinding and Panic of 2008 will make many consider issues greater than money

It's too bad the current Republican Party pretended to be the Party of God to get the votes of the ignorant.

Because the party of money and greed probably is riding a camel at this point.


consultant said...

Most (not all) modern conservatives are fakes.

More precisely, this group no longer knows what it believes in.

It's all about the power for them. Nothing else matters.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the description of the first comment, from consultant.

To the things more important than money: Food - food banks all over America report dwindling contributions. What about a "get good" scheme instead of "get rich"?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we need a bigger resurgence of the forces of ignorance and hate that believing in imaginary friends represents. We need more religion like a hole in the head - or a McCain win.

The sooner the world drops this god stupidity and let reason win over "faith" the better.

Why is gullibility deemed a virtue?