October 5, 2008

I debated posting this. But then I decided, what the heck. If you can't talk about politics and religion, what else is there to talk about?

Especially since politics and religion in America have become one and the same.

Have at it.


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha!~ Oh my gawd, how perfect. Thanks for posting this Keith.

Anonymous said...

The people who need to see this will never understand the irony behind it. Too bad, because it's brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I'm still digesting this one

Anonymous said...

I was brought up Methodist and consider myself a Christian and I still think this is a riot!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Doc the Zealot won't like that. And he carries a gun.

tom12008 said...

Wow! This is magnificent!

Anonymous said...

I was raised Catholic and I am in stitches ROFL.

TY Keith and keep up the good work, this has to be heard.

Anonymous said...

McCain's god is Mars.

Christianity died in the West centuries ago. In America, it dies in the 60s as the white people decided that loving black folk just wasn't in the cards.

Anonymous said...

Are you happy? If you are not, then consider this - all Jesus wants is for you to be happy.

Do not be cynical for the sake of being cynical.

Jesus loves you.

Anonymous said...


Brilliant. Now repent or your soul will be eaten alive by red demons with razor sharp teeth!!!

America is changing in more ways than one. Best-selling books by Harris, Hitchens and Dawkins are opening many American minds with reason and questioning once more.

Maybe humans can get to a stage of not being so preoccupied with death or what comes thereafter, and become more focused on our lives and children's lives that are at hand.

And for the record, from what we know written in the Bible about Jesus Christ, assuming he would even be electable in America (A Hippy for President? Hmmm.), Christ would have made a lousy American President.

However, he would be a fairly good candidate to head the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's extremely clever and funny, but you gotta admit, the vast majority won't get it, and make the Palin types in this country Joe Six Pack's totally freak out. They'll see the first few seconds, lose their minds and and shut down. So it'll accomplish exactly the opposite of what the intent was. Way over the heads of the sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks - that was very very funny.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and a great laugh!
Delusional people and their "invisible sky friend" need to be relentlessly mocked.

Only in a county where masses of fools run their lives on religious mythology could this corrupt mess have occurred.

Anonymous said...

I never realized how pervasive the Southern Baptist Religion is in the lives of my co-workers until the topic of politics came up recently. Here’s a few of their comments:

“We must defend Israel at all costs because it is biblical.”

“Obama is the anti-Christ, but the un-saved can not see this.”

“Bush is a Christian and he has protected us from further terrorist attacks. God is on his side.”

“I vote the way my church tells me. Obama is a Muslim and Christians would never vote for him.”

“John McCain was guided by God to pick Sarah Palin. She is against abortion and will protect the unborn.”

I remarked to a co-worker that someone had been stealing Obama signs from the lawns in various neighborhoods. She snickered and replied, “That’s what happens when people make the mistake of supporting a non-Christian.”

Now I know the ugly truth. I’m living in the surreal world of “Southern Baptist Land” Christ, save me from your followers!