October 23, 2008

AmericaPANIC Quote of the Day

"She (Sarah Palin) said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: f*ck you"

- Jon Stewart, October 19, 2008


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin/John McCain
Go Fuck Yourselves.

Anonymous said...


Obama Loves You.

Peahippo said...

Well, Palin is right. Small towns are the real America. You can carry around a gun (well within the full right expressed in the Second Amendment) without the Gestapo (i.e. local police) trying to shoot you dead for it. Small-town politics are much closer to the American design.

The real outrage is how little liberty and economic power you have in the Liberal-infested cities.

Anonymous said...

Peahippo said...
Well, Palin is right. Small towns are the real America. You can carry around a gun (well within the full right expressed in the Second Amendment) without the Gestapo (i.e. local police) trying to shoot you dead for it. Small-town politics are much closer to the American design.

The real outrage is how little liberty and economic power you have in the Liberal-infested cities.
Give me a freaking break! Small towns are great if:

1. You like the same yahoo's running the show, year after year, for decades, and everybody votes them in because "we like to keep things the way they are."(Preferably 1843)

2. You never run afoul of the afore mentioned yahoo’s; you will live to regret it! Kiss your "liberty" good-bye!

3.You do nothing out of the ordinary to draw attention to yourself for any reason. For God's sake, do not be different in ANY way! Town fathers don't take kindly to threats, real or imaginary, and the worst threat is being different!

4.You are a bible-banging moron. "Only white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant, male Christians need apply" and the GOP is truly the party of God!

5.You would vote the Shrub in for 20 terms if you could, because he "hates fags and loves Jesus."

6.You don't mind being so damn inbred (maybe from living in the same bedroom for nine generations) that you couldn't throw a rock into a school yard for fear of hitting a dozen "close" relatives.

I could go on for hours. Don't even get me started on small towns. And this is just on the east coast, I couldn’t imagine what its like to have to suffer your existence in one of those Bible belt hell-holes.

(The gun part, at least, was true though.)

Anonymous said...

Stuck in So Pa:
1. You mean like Kennedy, Kerry, etc. etc.?
2. You mean like the ghettos in any big city?
3. See #2.
4. So white male Christians aren't welcome in urban areas? That's too bad, given the alternative...
5. For 80 years, yeah sure. Whatever.
6. People come and go. The days of families shutting themselves in for the winter are long gone. You know, there's even them thar things called roads that we go on, a'courtin' women in other towns.

Please don't go on for hours and hours. Your stereotypes show don't know what you are talking about. It's too bad you don't get out more.

Anonymous said...

I am really surprised at the hostility towards Christians. Not just on this site, but on almost all forums.

I do not understand the hatred. Christians keep to themselves, organize food pantries, raise money for charity, send relief to third world countries, organize missions of lay people to go to other countries to provide medical services, build houses, help the widow and orphan.

I guess these things don't matter. Who cares how much good is done. The main problem with Christians by those who are behind such vile attacks, is the issue of the Church's teaching on homosexuality.


Anonymous said...

The main problem with Christians by those who are behind such vile attacks, is the issue of the Church's teaching on homosexuality.


No, the problem with so called Christianity is its total obsession with homosexuality.

Give the sheeple something to fear, promise to protect them from it. Want money and power, works every time.

If there were no gays, Christians would have to invent one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stuck in So Pa:
1. You mean like Kennedy, Kerry, etc. etc.?
2. You mean like the ghettos in any big city?
3. See #2.
4. So white male Christians aren't welcome in urban areas? That's too bad, given the alternative...
5. For 80 years, yeah sure. Whatever.
6. People come and go. The days of families shutting themselves in for the winter are long gone. You know, there's even them thar things called roads that we go on, a'courtin' women in other towns.

Please don't go on for hours and hours. Your stereotypes show don't know what you are talking about. It's too bad you don't get out more
Dear Anon 8:08

I never said or intentionally implied that my negative rant didn't also apply to their big city "cousins," sorry if I did. I actually do enjoy living in a small town, even if I have to throw out 99% of my brain on a daily basis just to fit in.

As for the stereotyping, sorry again, but I have to interact with these people 6 days a week, over a five state area (agricultural implement business,) and I stand by everything I put down in the first post! Small towns are what I work in; small towns are what I see. If anything, I get out TOO DAMN much.

Good spin though! Do you write for one of the candidates?

Anonymous said...

You'd be amazed at the bigotry found in small towns. Religiosity drives the bigotry, and it's not limited to small towns. In big cities, some areas get insular and in black subculture, where religion is rampant, homophobia is all the rage.

No matter the town size, religiosity goes hand in hand with ignorance and bigotry. Just look at the Middle East where religion is REALLY rampant, and we all see the violence on the news. And in the Middle East, gun ownership is de rigeur. And these nuts are not afraid to use them.