October 19, 2008

John McCain, Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the dying GOP can't stop this.

Something has changed.

Americans woke up, said enough was enough, and demanded their country back.

Just in time.

It's a long road back.


Anonymous said...

That made me cry.

As a former St. Louisan I am proud that he drew such a warm response from the people.

Paige Turner said...

RE: Americans woke up, said enough was enough, and demanded their country back. Just in time.

Just in time? Just in time to do what? Turn things around? I don't think so.

America has nothing left with which to turn things around:

America's industrial production has been moved offshore.

America has very few domestic energy supplies.

America has a debt bomb which will never be paid off.

America has criminals in control of its highest political offices.

We are watching the 21st century equivalent of the fall of the Roman Empire.

It's nearly over.


Anonymous said...

"Something has changed"

The PTB have gutted our economy and shredded our international integrity.

Change will come in the form of a new perspective on an old problem.

Our political system is corrupt.

The players may change, but the game is still rigged.

The abolishment of the DNC and the RNC - the evil twins - must take precedent to meaningful change.

Anonymous said...

"...demanded their country back." So, they can give it to Pelosi and Reid?

You know Obama said he is going to leave 75,000 troops in Iraq indefinitely, right?

Anonymous said...

Forty years! That's how long it's been since we've seen and felt this kind of excitement. This is real.

Anonymous said...

C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.

Anonymous said...

"America's industrial production has been moved offshore.

America has very few domestic energy supplies."

Got any links? Such as the ranking of the US in the world regarding manufacturing? And the percentage of energy supplies generated domestically?