October 20, 2008

I truly have no comment


Anonymous said...

The GOP willingness to pander to people like this is a primary reason they won't be getting my vote for awhile.

Open memo to the GOP: regarding the religious-right segment of your "base" I offer one word of advice -- re-marginalization.

Anonymous said...

This is typical.

"The Lord will take care of us".

Well, she will be happy to learn that Helicopter Ben Bernanke wants to give out some more Free Cheese to the Rats like them. Just saying that today made a market 'rally' of 400+ points.

The stock market is not a ponzi scheme? Bernanke gets honorable mention and a trial membership on the PPT.

This female is a perfect example of a tier 2 Americano. They only get to work and pay taxes and their votes have a special code that invalidates them. They are not eligible for any type or kind of public assistance.

Remember, the Lord will take care of them.

Ask Sam Kinison about the Lord, or Not.

They are forbidden to reproduce. We have enough dummies for manual labor now.

IQ of room temperature or higher *(with a fish meal optional) need apply.

Religulous. See it.

consultant said...

The American Taliban.

Religious fundamentalists are all over the world.

We had them during the formation of this country. They just weren't the leaders of the rebellion who went on to govern our young nation.

Remember, many of these early Americans fled religious persecution in Europe to come to America. Here, they sought and found religious freedom. Our new leaders were fervently against any religious litmus test for political office, and the people of the day supported this.

Sad to say. This woman is an example of people who are completely unaware of the history of the country they live in. She also doesn't see or appear at all troubled at how her religious bigotry is exactly the opposition of what "freedom of religion" means.

Sad, and dangerous.

X-er said...

What is truly scary is how many people like her are out there.

What is scarier than that is she would say it on TV.

Now, her husband should run to a divorce lawyer.

Anonymous said...

I weep for my country

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Riiiight... And only the dumb ones vote for Republicans? Is that what we're trying to imply here?

America is a country of morons. I talk to people and ask them why they will vote for Obama or McCain and they simply can not explain their reasons beyond anything except a feeling or some marginal, superficial issue.

But of course, now that Kweefer has stars in his eyes for Obama and literally wets himself every time he sees a photo of Obama in a majestic pose we have to turn American stupidity into a partisan issue.


Anonymous said...

I suppose Keith missed the man-on-the-street interviews in Harlem. They asked some folks in da hood about why they supported Obama's policy _____, where the interviewer inserted a policy straight from McCain's talking points. To a man and woman, these dumb asses said they agreed with it! But the best was when they were asked if they liked Obama's choice for VP, Sarah Palin. Again, they all said she was a good choice and they supported her!

Now you can mock this fundamentalist white lady, but before you draw any conclusions about which political party has the dumbest voters, you might want to check out these interviews:


Anonymous said...

married bliss in america

Anonymous said...

McCain? A good Christian??

Anonymous said...

Lord, I pray thee today, give the strength to my husband and steer him in the right direction. Give him holy inspiration to vote for McCain, the better Christian, the member of the party of God..


Anonymous said...

That woman in the video is a great example of why the world needs to phase out religion altogether. Religion both encourages and thrives on ignorance. That's why the religious right wingnuts always want to kill public education. (think creationists trying to stop evolution in class)

If I was the husband, I wouldn't drive to the divorce lawyer, I'd FLY to the divorce lawyer!

Anonymous said...

Do you all think someone's religious values tell you something valuable about them or not? Because you are clearly judging her based on her religious values. Take atheists for example. Without God, what keeps a powerful atheist from committing genocide? Fear of protesters? Biological tendency? Logic? John Lennon's Imagine Album? Every person has values with or without religion. Values should be important to every voter. I'm agnostic, but I wouldn't vote for an atheist for president.

Anonymous said...

Poor bastard.

Bears a striking resemblance to another whipped hubby.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! I am breathless. I can understand why Karl Rove uses religion for polticial gains.
Karl Rove knows that this worked for Bush. Funny abortion wasn't overturned with a republican President and Congress. Funny.

Anonymous said...

What this lady is saying..He's black.

Anonymous said...

My mother feels the same way this woman does. It's scary and sickening how these people 'think' and I use that term lightly. But this group is definitely out there and they cannot be convinced of their own ignorance. They have twisted Christianity into their own little protectionist policy.

Anonymous said...

How we extricate ourselves from the upper class idiots and the lower class scum will determine the fate of the next 100 years.

Anonymous said...

I don't see you playing the P Diddy
video of this idiot but hey why would you that might cost your man a few white votes and what about all the Acorn fraud not to much about that either so why not just re-name your blog for what it is and by the way both parties had their hand in this, thamks for the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Well Miss Moral Christian Lady,
Did you know MCCain had an affair with Cindy? His first wife in a wheelchair from a car accident with small children. I guess McCain is Moral enough for you? What about the Keating scandle? I guess McCain is moral for you.
Keith its simple Its a black and white issue.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the fat shit know that gluttony is one of the deadly sins? Wow, just wow. She is so sure of her dumb self.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne researched it!

PS: fat, dumb and happy here is enrolled in Real Estate school...

Anonymous said...

Scary...beware religious fanatics of all faiths...

Anonymous said...

"duarte said...you are clearly judging her based on her religious values..."

In sharp contrast to the criteria she used to decide how to vote, and to tell her husband and us how.

I know the irony is somehow lost, but I got a chuckle out of that. ;^D

Anonymous said...

Those who have the power to make you believe absurdities have the power to make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire

So lets see here what are the issues?

Last name Obama
Mom was an Atheist
Dad was a Muslim
Wrong type of Christian

Yep, these are ALL great reasons not to vote for someone who represents your interests and those of your family.

Hey the "Lord will provide." If only he had provided intelligence and the ability to think for yourself then I think this woman would stand a chance in this world. It must suck to be her.

Anonymous said...

Well it's easy to have 'values' when you're a fat stay at home sow that doesn't need to actually try to survive in this world.

If the worst happens and the gop get four more years of destroying america will this cow be able to eat her 'faith' to maintain her hogish figure?

Hubby should kick her to the curb and make her survive on her wits. She won't last long.

Anonymous said...

I like the end of this "He knows whats right" Translation :"I aint votin for no nigger, and you gotta live wit me asshole" It kills me to see Fundies tiptoe around the N word,pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Duarte said...

"Without God, what keeps a powerful atheist from committing genocide?"

Morality is what would keep a powerful atheist from committing genocide. Morality is not the exclusive property of people who base their lives on the teachings of their respective imaginary friends. Atheists choose to act in a certain way based on the fact that right and wrong are absolute facts of reality and it is in their self interest to behave ethically not because jebus told them they would burn for all eternity in the fires of hell.

We have had a so-called christian in the White House for eight years and we are all witnessing how that has worked out. George W. Bush, like many so-called christians, is neither moral, ethical or very christian. Like most so-called christians he behaves as if he is saved so he does not have to give a damn about anybody else.

Anybody who describes themselves as an agnostic is a moral coward. Agnosticism is the most narcissistic of all psuedo-intellectual pretensions. You are in effect saying that you will believe only after god comes down and proves to you he exists. What makes you so special that you think you should rank up there with Moses ans Abraham? This dull witted hillybilly woman at least has the courage of her convictions to believe that jebus loves her because the bible tells her so.

You however are too big a coward to decide. The choice is simple. Fantasy or reality. You choose to not decide and and put a name on your cowardice, agnostic, because you think that makes you sound like an intellectual.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Hac; Please share your thoughts on this "Americano"

Anonymous said...

If dogs don't go to heaven , then when I die , I want to go where they went. It would be a better place than having to live an eternity with screwballs like that.

Anonymous said...

"Atheists choose to act in a certain way based on the fact that right and wrong are absolute facts of reality and it is in their self interest to behave ethically not because jebus told them they would burn for all eternity in the fires of hell."

What ethics?!? Those are determined by society. As civilization continues its decline, so will the ethics of those who have no religion.

The nutcases are singled out by the media because the liberal media's agenda is to destroy individualism and religion in this country. Most of the people at my church are really nice. There's a few cliques, and one or two oddballs. And there are people of all political stripes. But if you don't go to church, you are lead to believe that all Christians are weirdo Republicans. It's too bad, really.

Anonymous said...

oink oink oink.

I think this little piggy went to market.

Too many times...


Lost Cause said...

Be ye like sheep.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a bitch.

"The lord will take care of us" Oh, behold the nugget of wisdom that is the answer to all of the hard questions. Well lady, that's done such a great job so far. Just remember that piece of advice when things really turn to shit. Take a look around you; Take a fuckin look around you!!

"I will pray for him" Hey, that's as effective as doing NOTHING...only you don't have to get the blame for doing NOTHING. So it's like a cowards way out.

People like this shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

If the media is out to destroy religion, then BRING IT ON!!! The sooner the power of religious leaders is stripped the better for the species, since religion breeds intolerance as well as ignorance.

If that obese lady had to fend for herself, she'd last quite a while since she has big fat reserves to burn off until she starves.

Gluttony is a "deadly sin" because of the health hazards that obesity causes. Not because of a jealous sadistic psychopathic "god". By the way, who would want to believe in a ruler of the universe like the god as marketed by the various religions?

And, be aware that as civilization falls apart, the morals and ethics of the religious nuts will fall apart along with that of atheists as the survival instinct takes hold.

Anonymous said...

Fat bitch says:
... the Lord will provide...
I wouldn't be too sure. I mean the Lord failed you once already, like in providing you with some sense.

Hi Keith, please post the youtube URL for this one so I can send this to some buddies. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Keith, I want to make a second post; I just thought of something.

People like her remind me of Mrs. Carmody from the film "The Mist". If you ever watch this movie, pay less attention to the monsters in it, and more attention to the conflict between the main characters. Basically what happens is Mrs. Carmody turns everyone against each other with her religious bullshit. Everyone ends up being a bigger threat to other than the actual monsters they are facing.

I truely believe that if this country ever crashed, these are the people that would be the biggest threat to us all. They would destroy us...They would defend their crazy religion with firearms if necessary. Make no mistake, these people are a grave threat.

Anonymous said...

"What ethics?!? Those are determined by society. As civilization continues its decline, so will the ethics of those who have no religion."

Ethics are determined by reality. Not by society and not by ghost stories. Take "Thou shalt not kill," for example. Was murder OK before Moses came down from Mount Sinai? No that would be ridiculous. In the simplest possible terms it is wrong to take the life of another because you value your life and do not want someone to kill you. See how easy it is. Same applies to stealing, etc. We don't need imaginary friends and fairy stories to know that.

And as far as the ten commandments go the only ones that are not common sense are the first four and two of those make no sense at all and two are almost totally and completely ignored. "I am the only god but don't worship any of the other gods," and "Don't take my name in vain," which comes after god tells Moses he won't tell him his name. The other two, graven images and keep holy the sabbath are almost universally disregarded as are many other "laws" in the bible which the true believers claim is the immutable word of god except when those words do not serve their immediate agenda.

Lost Cause said...

She has a thyroid problem, Keith. It often causes hyper-religiosity, as well as bloating, swelling of the ankles, excessive gas, and a peculiar oder.

Anonymous said...

This woman reminds me of my co-workers in North Carolina. They’re basically good people, but their religion guides them in many of their choices when it's convenient.

Most were born and raised in “Mayberry RFD” and never have been exposed to things beyond their tiny worlds.

They’re unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

Anything contradicting what their preacher tells them absolutely terrifies them. They cannot see the arrogance of their religion nor the enormous intolerance it teaches them.

Because of religion, Sunday is the most segregated, racially biased day of the week. These church members will vote the way their preacher tells them – plain and simple.

The big question for me is why are religious institutions tax exempt when they clearly preach politics?


Anonymous said...

I don't know who's more crazy. Her. Or the guy who married her.

Anonymous said...

Because of religion, Sunday is the most segregated, racially biased day of the week. These church members will vote the way their preacher tells them – plain and simple
===================================My dear wife actually stopped going to her church of almost 30 years when the new preacher started campaigning from the pulpit. You know: "Vote Democrat and you're going to HELL!"

She, like me, is an old-fashioned Republican conservative and will not tolerate preaching from the political podium, or electioneering from the pulpit.

Anon is right, 99% of the church going morons will vote ANYWAY their preacher tells them to!

Anonymous said...

But wasn't Jesus black?

Anonymous said...

Hi Keith, please post the youtube URL for this one so I can send this to some buddies. Thanks

Double-click on ANY youtube video and it will take you to the youtube page with the video:


Anonymous said...

"Lost Cause said...

She has a thyroid problem, Keith. It often causes hyper-religiosity, as well as bloating, swelling of the ankles, excessive gas, and a peculiar oder."

The peculiar oder is sulfur and the cause is not a thyroid condition.

Anonymous said...

I'm just hoping the Lord will enrol her in a good weight loss program.

Anonymous said...

Don't give the sicko god any ideas! It'll cause a famine to get her to lose weight no matter the collateral death!Didn't the Boxing Day Tsunami tell you anything about this god?